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Daily Devotional

The Epistle of Paul The Book of Romans series: Learning to be rooted and established in The Cross of Christ

The works of the wicked

Romans 1:30-32

30. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31. Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32. Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

Paul continues to write here in verses 30-32 to the church here in Romans, who had disapproved of holding God in their knowledge and we're filled with the 21 sins that Paul has mentioned in verses 29-32.

As we continue to see the meanings of these words in the Greek, we need to truly examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).

Let's take a closer look at these words in the original to understand what they mean.

The Clarke's Commentary on the Bible tells us;

Backbiters - Καταλαλους, from κατα, against, and λαλεω, I speak; those who speak against others; false accusers, slanderers.

Haters of God - Θεοστυγεις, atheists, contemners of sacred things, maligners of providence, scorners, etc. All profligate deists are of this class, and it seems to be the finishing part of a diabolic character.

Despiteful - Υβριστας, from υβριζω, to treat with injurious insolence; stormy, boisterous; abusing both the characters and persons of those over whom they can have any power.

Proud - Υπερηφανους, from υπερ, above or over, and φαινω, I show or shine. They who are continually exalting themselves and depressing others; magnifying themselves at the expense of their neighbors; and wishing all men to receive their sayings as oracles.

Boasters - Αλαζονας, from λαζομαι, to assume; self-assuming, vain-glorious, and arrogant men.

Inventors of evil things - Εφευρετας κακων. Those who have invented destructive customs, rites, fashions, etc.; such as the different religious ceremonies among the Greeks and Romans - the orgies of Bacchus, the mysteries of Ceres, the lupercalia, feasts of the Bona Dea, etc., etc. Multitudes of which evil things, destructive and abominable ceremonies, are to be found in every part of the heathen worship.

Without understanding - Ασυνετους, from α, negative, and συνετος , knowing; persons incapable of comprehending what was spoken; destitute of capacity for spiritual things.

Covenant-breakers - Ασυνθετους, from α, negative, and συντιθημυι, to make an agreement; persons who could be bound by no oath, because, properly speaking, they had no God to witness or avenge their misconduct. As every covenant, or agreement, is made as in the presence of God, so he that opposes the being and doctrine of God is incapable of being bound by any covenant; he can give no pledge for his conduct.

Without natural affection - Αστοργους; without that attachment which nature teaches the young of all animals to have to their mothers, and the mothers to have for their young. The heathens, in general, have made no scruple to expose the children they did not think proper to bring up, and to despatch their parents when they were grown old or past labor.

Implacable - Ασπονδους , from α, negative; and σπονδη , A Libation. It was customary among all nations to pour out wine as a libation to their gods, when making a treaty.

This was done to appease the angry gods, and reconcile them to the contracting parties. The word here shows a deadly enmity; the highest pitch of an unforgiving spirit; in a word, persons who would not make reconciliation either to God or man.

Unmerciful - Ανελεημονας; those who were incapable, through the deep-rooted wickedness of their own nature, of showing mercy to an enemy when brought under their power, or doing anything for the necessitous, from the principle of benevolence or commiseration.

It is certain that those who participate in such things as Paul has given here in Chapter 1 of Romans are worthy of death.

God does not wish anyone to perish this is why out of His great love for mankind, He gave His only begotten Son to be the final sacrifice for all sin and that all that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved from such a death.

There is life and life more abundantly in Christ Jesus that came through the finished work of The Cross and we must remember The Cross is the only means by which God can commune with mankind and The Cross is the only way by which anyone can please God.

All power, grace, and mercy came through the finished work of The Cross.

Those who take up their cross daily and follow after Jesus, crucifying all aspects of the flesh can only walk steadily and faithfully with God, we must remember to walk in the Spirit, walking in the divine nature that is in Christ Jesus and we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Walking in the Spirit is simply looking totally and completely to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith and what He's done for us at The Cross (Romans 8:2).

We must remember not to have pleasure in any of these that Paul has spoken of here in Romans Chapter 1 that is of the flesh.

Let the reader understand, that the only way to please God is through the finish with The Cross by faith, receiving the free gift of life in Christ Jesus.

It is true God is love, and for this reason, God gave and exhibited His true love through His Son and the finished work of The Cross.

God hates sin, but He loved the sinner, this is God's love came through The Cross so that man would not need to perish in his sin.

Proverbs 6:18-19, 1 Corinthians 13:6, James 4:17, Romans 6:23; 8:7-8; 10:13, John 3:16-20; 8:34-36; 10:10; 1:17, Titus 3:3, 2 Peter 3:8-10, Ephesians 2:4-10, Luke 9:23, Galatians 5:16-26

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