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Daily Devotional

Updated: Feb 23

The Epistle of Paul The Book of Romans series: Learning to be rooted and established in The Cross of Christ

A reprobate mind

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

"A reprobate" as it pertains to this verse in the Greek means "unapproved, i.e. rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally):—castaway, rejected, a mind void of judgment, reprobate".

As Paul continues to say here that there were those who "did not want" to retain or "to acknowledge" God nor did they want to walk in His ways but wanted a god from the fleshly standard to be transformed like unto graven image.

Many do not realize that an image could be anything that a person would allow to rule over them, to take control over their entire way of being, that would include thought, word, and or actions as well as creating something that they are allowing to control them according to the flesh.

So for anyone to put God into that standard, that would meet the human standard i.e "the flesh" and not walk in the ways of a Holy Righteous God and His standards, is against Him and the truth is not in them (1 John 2:4-8).

God will never come down to mankind's standards because He is Holy, He is The Great I AM, The God of creation, of all of heaven, earth, and the fullness thereof belongs to Him.

As Paul explains here, many were trying to continue in the sinful nature and expect a Holy Righteous God to follow along on what they were doing and except it.

Many don't realize that God will never bow to man standards nor the ways of the flesh He never has, nor will He ever!

John 3:16 shows the true love of God, how He gave His only begotten Son and if anyone believes in Jesus and the finished work at the Cross, they will never perish but have everlasting life, God has never forced His free gift on anyone it is what it is, a free gift.

To receive a gift, you must take it and claim it as your own, Jesus has given us the free gift of eternal life when He died at Calvary that no man could pay for.

He is who He is "God manifested in the flesh" although mankind wants to paint a picture of God and who He is according to the flesh, but If that person would only look to Calvary and the finished work that Jesus paid for on the Cross, they will see the only one True God that they are looking for and need, not within their own means but through the finish work that Jesus paid a high price for.

They where even putting God to the test as Paul writes here, translated from the Greek, They were wanting the approval of God so that they can continue in the sin they were committing, creating, and following according to their own imaginations.

Not holding the one true God in their full knowledge therefore in them doing so, God gave them over to a reprobate, depraved, unprincipled, wicked mind to practice those things which were not becoming nor fitting neither had God intended in any form or kind when He created mankind.

From the very beginning when God created man, He created him in a perfect image like unto His own (Genesis 1:26-31) but because the fall in the garden, sin entered into the heart of man and he became corrupt.

This is why mankind needs Salvation and the precious Blood of the lamb, Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

That even Paul tells us in Romans 10:13 “All that call in the name of the Lord shall be saved” there is no other way to please God except that person comes by the way of the Cross, for the means of Salvation and let no one be deceived in thinking otherwise.

The true knowledge and wisdom of God is Jesus and Him Crucified.

Those who choose not to retain the wisdom and knowledge of the one true God, they do not do themselves any justice, in other words, It's God's way and that's through the Cross of Christ, or they face eternal separation from God in Hell that He never intended for mankind but for the devil and his angels.

It is very blunt but true those who choose to turn their backs on God and refuse His prescribed order of victory which is way of the Cross, this is where that person will end up If they do not repent.

Let the reader understand, if the Blood is not applied and repentance is not put in place in a person's life, they will stand before the Lord God as their judge, but if that person has repented they will stand before the Lord as their Savior.

It is a choice we all must make, What choice will you choose?

As for me and my house I will serve the Lord, I pray you have chosen the way of the Cross.

Ephesians 5:4; Romans 10:13; Genesis 1:26-31; 1 John 2:4-8; John 3:16

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