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Daily Devotional

The Epistle of Paul The Book of Romans series: Learning to be rooted and established in The Cross of Christ

Paul's letter to the Church at Rome

Romans 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God

The modern church has somewhat of a understanding of the Cross of Christ regarding Salvation, but none at all as it respects sanctification and yet even as we will see in this epistle, 99% of the teaching given to us by Paul concerns itself with the Cross of Christ respecting our sanctification, in other words, how we live for God on a daily basis.

When Paul says "a servant of Jesus Christ" he is referring to himself as a "bondslave" of Christ, this refers to someone who is the entire property of another.

Paul is the only one of the Bible writers who discarded his Jewish name for (Saul) for his Gentile name.

Actually his Gentile name gained the ascendancy on his first missionary journey as he dealt with the Roman officer on Cyprus and therefore marked him out as the Apostle of the Gentiles which was his calling (Acts Chapter 13).

If we take a look at the word “servant” in the Greek is “δοῦλος doûlos, doo'-los” it means: a slave (literal or figurative, involuntary or voluntary; frequently, therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subserviency):—bond(-man), servant.

Paul was born a slave of sin (as we all are) at his physical birth and a bondslave of his Lord through the regeneration (being born again) which can come to all who believe if they so desire.

The cords that bound him to his old master which is Satan, were rent asunder in his identification with Christ in the latter death.

The cords that bound him to his new Master (the Lord Jesus) would never be broken since the new master would never die again.

It was Paul's new life as well as ours as well, upon repentance, giving our lives to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died for all sin and His blood covers all of those who walk by faith by the way of the Cross.

When Paul says “called to be an Apostle” in the Greek translates a "called apostle" in the Greek is “κλητός klētós, klay-tos' and it means “invited, i.e., appointed, or (specially), a saint: —called.

In other words, "called to be in apostle" simply means, called to an office and divinely selected and appointed to fill it's roles, and his calling came from the very highest source, the Lord Himself!

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can designate one to be in apostle, the office of an Apostle cannot be purchased, nor can it be elected by popular ballot, nor can it be earned.

Paul gives a perfect example of the office of an Apostle in Ephesians chapter 4, to be in apostle means to be sent on a Commission with a special message separated unto the gospel of God and we must be ready to give an answer to anyone who needs to hear the Gospel which is "the good news".

Romans 13:8; Revelations 2:29; Ephesians 4:11, 12-15; 1 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:15; Matthew 20:27; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 4:5; Romans 11:1; Philippians 3:5; Acts 16:37; 21:39; 22:25; 26:10; 23:16,20; 8:1; 23:6; Chapter 13; 26:14, 10-11

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