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Daily Devotional

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

The Epistle of Paul The Book of Romans series: Learning to be rooted and established in The Cross of Christ

The Just shall live by faith

Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The Just shall live by faith.

Paul always pointed to the Cross of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:2) he knew through the Cross is where the Believer receives the Power of God unto Salvation

(1 Corinthians 1:18).

When a person comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus and Him Crucified (Romans 10:13), they will go from a sinful nature to then receive the divine nature by faith because of Jesus and what He has done on the Cross.

No one can ever say that they have done anything or can do anything to please God outside of the finished work of what Jesus had already done at Calvary nor are saved by works least any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9)!

Jesus is the fullness of the Grace of God and all that we will ever need has been provided by Jesus by the way of the Cross!

It is in the Cross of Christ we receive the Righteousness of God from faith to faith as it is written though just shall live by faith.

Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) we must have our faith anchored in the right source or it cannot please God, and our faith must be only in and only in the finished work of what Jesus has done on Calvary's Cross and in nothing else!

When Paul says “revealed from faith to faith” he is saying "from faith" relates to God as the provider and "to faith" relates to the man or person as the receiver.

In the keynotes from the Spiros Zodhiates Greek Hebrew Keyword Word Study KJV Bible says for verse 17, “the expression from faith to faith is merely an intensive form meaning “faith alone”.

Anything outside of faith of the Cross of Christ is vanity!

God wants faithful hearts dedicated to Him not looking to anything else except for what He has provided for all who receives the Gift that comes through the Cross of Christ (John 3:16)

If we are faithful to Him He will be Faithful to us!

Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 3:21; John 3:39; Galatians 3:11; Philippians 3:9; Hebrews 10:38

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