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Daily Devotional

January 30, 2020

The Epistle of Paul The Book of Romans series: Introduction to the Book of Romans

The Will of God and the Body of Christ

Knowing that Pual had a burden for souls, even the Romans at that time, for the most part, and maybe of the body of Christ, and as such, he sought the Lord earnestly for them.

What a lesson for us!

Also, people, he sought the Lord for these people "without ceasing," meaning that he had not prayed for them sometime in the past, but that they were always included in his prayers with all prayer and supplication before the Lord.

What an honor to have mentioned to the Lord by Paul the Apostle!

We need to see the example that Paul set for us as we read God's Word for also have a burden for souls standing in prayer and all supplication before the Lord.

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